Class of ’55, ’56, ’57 – Memories

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Lloyd Johnson

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KHS Grade 8, Mr. Lennox 1952-53 - Top Row- Robert Walker, Pat Cowan, Jim Goodkey, Bill Lennox (Teacher), Gary Hogg, Ken Moyer, Ron Methot, Wilfred Durand. 3rd Row-Derrick Mitchell, Bill Hetzler, Wilma Ernewein, ?, Flora Braithwaite, Roma Holt, Sariann Mohammad Ali, Pat Davoren. 2nd Row-Nick Hajdukovich, Laron Smith, Shirley Abraham, Rena LaBlond, Susan Gottfriedson, Deanna Warsimage, Shirley Smith, Diane Pilling, Diane Gardiner. 1st Row-Brian White, Bob Goldie, George Nishimura, Fred Bagg, George Slack, John Henstock, Gerald Glowacki

click to view KHS Grade 8, Mr. Lennox  1952-53 - Top Row- Robert Walker, Pat Cowan, Jim Goodkey, Bill Lennox (Teacher), Gary Hogg, Ken Moyer, Ron Methot, Wilfred Durand.  3rd Row-Derrick Mitchell, Bill Hetzler, Wilma Ernewein, ?, Flora Braithwaite, Roma Holt, Sariann Mohammad Ali, Pat Davoren.  2nd Row-Nick Hajdukovich, Laron Smith, Shirley Abraham, Rena LaBlond, Susan Gottfriedson, Deanna Warsimage, Shirley Smith, Diane Pilling, Diane Gardiner.  1st Row-Brian White, Bob Goldie, George Nishimura, Fred Bagg, George Slack, John Henstock, Gerald Glowacki 
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