School Song

We'll always love you
Our Kamloops High
We're proud of you
We'll tell you why.
You are tops in everything
And all your praises
We'll always sing,
Soccer, Football, and Basketball,
Dancing, singing, we've got them all.
Raise your voices
Shout and sing
The praises of old Kam High

Hall of Fame Nomination

If you feel that former Kam High student has made a significant impact on their community, their province, their country or the world, you are invited to nominate that person for induction into the Hall of Fame.

Nomination Procedure:

Requirements: To be nominated to the Kamloops High School Hall of Fame

  • Individual must have graduated from Kamloops High School, Kamloops Secondary School or South Kamloops Secondary School.
  • Prerequisites for nomination are commitment, dedication and significant impact on their community, province, nation or world.
  • Individual’s achievement or contribution reflects positively on their community and former school.
  • Individual agrees to have his/her picture posted on the Hall of Fame at the School and on the alumni’s website.

An individual becomes eligible for nomination to the Hall 5 years* after achievement of reason for nomination or 10 years* of active participation or service.

* This period of time may be reduced by a majority vote of the Directors of the Homecoming Society in cases of exceptional international achievement such as winning an Olympic medal or completing an internationally significant accomplishment.

Nomination process: To nominate a former student to the Hall of Fame contact the webmaster of or the current principal of the School. Nominations should be submitted before December 31st. Please indicate the current address of the nominee and the reasons for nominating the individual.

Process for approving nominations: Nominations to the Hall must be approved by a majority of the directors of the KHS Homecoming Society in order to be included in the Hall of Fame. Once accepted, a suitable picture of the individual, preferably at the height of his/her career/achievement, will be required.

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