School Song
We'll always love you
Our Kamloops High
We're proud of you
We'll tell you why.
You are tops in everything
And all your praises
We'll always sing,
Soccer, Football, and Basketball,
Dancing, singing, we've got them all.
Raise your voices
Shout and sing
The praises of old Kam High
Other Kam High Reunion sites
If you have a Kam High re-union site, click here to let us know and we'll add a link to your site.
Commercial sites for contacting high school acquaintances
There are also several groups set up on
Warning! Most commercial sites are designed to sell you something. In addition to registering,
you may be required to purchase a membership in order to communicate with any of the other members.
The Homeroom - British Columbia's History of Education web site
SKSS School web site